
About Us
Just Malti-poos
Maltese and Malti-poos
Boston Terriers
Puppies Available
Past Puppies SOLD
Puppy Play Yard
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Puppy Application
Prices and Payments Methods

The first reference that we offer to you is that of our Veterinarian.

Animal Medical Clinic 


Mark Roberson

The following references are from people who have purchased pups from us in the past.

You are welcome to contact any of our references about the puppies.

You can see its cold and snowy here, Ruby loves to put on her snow jacket to
go out. Also, she loves to wear sweaters! She has quite a few. I've had fun
with that..!
Anyway, I just wanted to give you an update on our Ruby, we just love her to
pieces, and she's the best dog. I've told my friends about you, you may get
some more customers!
Thanks again!
Ellen Bidwell

Ruby pretty in Pink
It's a cold day for this little one Looks like she got the coat for it.

Hi Marcia,

I visited your website today and noticed you had a new litter of maltipoo puppies.  I wanted to give you a quick update on Sherlock, who was born on 4/17/08.  He turned 10 months old today and I can't believe how fast the time has passed.  He weighs 11lbs and is just under 11" in height.  He is the best dog I could have wished for and he follows me around wherever I go.  I have attached a few pictures.  The picture with the other puppy is Sherlock's "little brother", a miniature goldendoodle who joined us in early December.  The last picture I attached is from Sherlock's recent basic obedience graduation.  He looks so much like his dad, Pifer, in this picture.  Sherlock was the best dog in the class and the instructor told me that she had never given a dog in basic obedience such high scores.  We are half-way through his intermediate obedience class, and again, he is the best in the class.  Everyone is amazed how young he is because he learns to quickly and is so focused in class (when we're in class, he won't play with the other dogs because he knows he's there to perform!)  There are two maltese in the class as well and Sherlock looks a lot like them.  Because Sherlock is so smart and trainable, I hope to have him ready by early summer to begin competing in obedience competitions.  He also starts his agility class in March.  Just wanted to let you know that you certainly named Sherlock correctly as every day he amazes me with his intelligence and cleverness. 

Have you stayed in touch with any of Sherlock's siblings?  I would love to see how they are doing.  Anyway, I hope you are off to great 2009.

Jane Sackovich

Sherlock Graduation picture
Top of his class

Hi Marcia,

Sorry I haven't responded sooner, my time is spent taking care of and playing with all of our dogs. They are so much fun to watch. I took some more pictures of the dogs this weekend, I attached some to show you. Danny went to the vet on Wednesday, she passed her exam, she now weighs 4#'s 8oz. Our puggle, Cabela weighed 4#'s 4oz. They are a perfect match, they look for each other when they want to go to sleep, its so cute.

Thank you so much,
Sandy & Brian Hoffmann

Danny Boston Terrier Puppy

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Marcia -
Hope you had a great holiday season. I was able to spend time with my family over the holidays, and Sebastian and Abner had a wonderful time together. I attached a few pics of them (I'm not certain when you last saw Abner). They are such great dogs.....both love to lick!!! Thanks again for the amazing pups, we love them.


Christmas Photos

Hi Marcia -
Hope you are doing well. I attached some photos from Sebastian's 1st birthday. Feel free to post any of the pics on your website. He is full of energy and has filled our home with lots of love. He goes to doggie daycare twice a week and loves socializing with other dogs. He's a lovebug and can't get enough hugs and kisses. Thank you so much for this wonderful, energetic little boy, he has made us so happy.

PS - I know you just had some Malti-poo pups, they are so cute. When do you plan on breeding Malti-poos again? Thanks

Kristy & Jeremy

Sebastain 1 year old
Birthday Party

Here are a handful of photos I have taken over the past week with Beau. Theyre really cute! He and Scout are getting along great, although Scout is very needy of my attention now. Itll take time to adjust. :)
Hope youre doing well.

Beau and his new Mom
Looks pretty happy to me. Both of them.

Louie at his new home with his new Mom.

Hi Marcia,

Everything is great with Louie.  I took him to the vet today -- which he passed.  He is perfect.  What state does Louie's brother live in?   Hope you enjoy the pictures I sent.  The first two are of me and Louie and the third one is of Brad and Louie.  

Thanks again.  

Karly Jacobs

Karly and Chloe
This is Sherlock sister.

As far as her little animal friends here at home, the cat is just an old man (about 8 yrs old) and really just ignores her all together. While her and Moe are getting along just fine. She doesn't come running to me for help anymore. If he gets a little too rambunctious, she just lays into him with her little bark and he backs off. Of course if Moe grabs a toy, Chloe wants it, and if Chloe grabs a toy, vice versa. It is quite amusing to watch. I think they are becoming good friends.
  I will be sure to keep you updated on how she is doing, and how her vet visits are going as well. I can't thank you enough for the new addition to our family, as she has brought us so much joy already. I have attached a few pictures for you.
Talk to you again soon,

Hi Marcia!

I wanted to give an update on Oliver! I have attached a picture of him that I took last week at 7 months old.
 He is a great and very cute little guy and we couldn't have asked for a better puppy.
He's a little dennis the menace but we love him! Thank you for taking such good care of him in the first 9 weeks
                           of his life!

Kristin and John
Houston, TX

This little guy was in her wedding. How cool is that.




From : Ruth & John Sandy

 Evy's doing really well and enjoying the summer. I've attached 3 pictures; the first 2 are from her puppy graduation and the last one with her diaper on (2 days before she was getting fixed she came into heat! She's no longer a baby!;O)

We still enjoy having Evy around every day and love her to bits!!!! I will be going to Holland on Tuesday for 10 days and am gonna miss her so much !


Ruth and John


                                                                   Boston Terrier

 From: "Lindsay Martel"
  Carter is a star in his advanced dog obedience classes, everybody is 
shocked  that he is only 6 months and already doing so great in the class. 
I will try to attach more photos (hopefully the right ones this time) Im not sure
what went wrong last time. If you want to email me the pictures of  the  new litter that would be great. I will bring the pics to obedience class  to  show the other people who are eventually going to purchase a boston  terrier puppy. Good luck with the new litter!  Hope to hear from you soon!

"Cash" - Maltipoo



From: "Joan Geary" 
Cash is doing great! He still has his occasional "accidents", but besides that he is doing good with his potty training. We can't believe that he's 6 months old now! Cash is still ADORABLE! His coat is getting a little more silver which is very cute. We think that he's about 4 or 4 1/2 pounds now so he is still tiny! Here a some pictures of him!
The Geary Family

                                 Pudge and Parker (Tim's Son)



From : Tim Valdez
Hi Marcia,
Here's a picture of my youngest son, Parker, with his new puppy. He renamed it Pudge.
He saw our vet and she said he was healthy and growing. He's getting along well with everyone, including our two bassets and guinea pigs.
Tim Valdez and Family

Gunner and Meghan


From : Meghan Saunders
 Yes, gunner has gotten lighter but he still has all of the pretty colors in his coat there is just less of them, but his ears and tail still look the same when he was born.    There is just less of his baby coat.  He is really beautiful! and his hair is so soft.  He has been spending most of his days at the puppy park and at the puppy beach, turns out he loves to play in the water with the other puppies. He cant wait to play with his new brothers. And Kim and her sister did send us pics of the puppy..they look so cute! Especially the dark one! Talk to you soon!


From : Angela Vess
Hi Marcia,
  Well she is 3 months old and 12 lbs fiesty as ever, but lovable, very happy little puppy, just wanted to say she is doing great eats, naps, chews on our other dogs and then some, these are from yesterday, the most recent photos i have of her, hope you like them.
Angela Vess

Shadow and his new buddy


From : Kris Regas
Hi Marcia, I just wanted to send you a few pictures of Shadow and tell you how good he is doing.  He is a very sweet puppy and we all really love him.  He eats really good and is doing pretty good on the training.  He has had about 4 checkups at the vet and two puppy cuts.
I did want to tell you that if you have another litter I might know of someone who would be interested.
Kris Regas


From :"Beth VanGelder"
Milo is doing fine.  He is chasing all the big dogs in the neighborhood.

Jasmine and puppy


From : "Julie W."
We just got Shai home. Jasmine (my 3 year old daughter - pictured) LOVES her ! You wouldn't beleive the bond they have already ! My daughter is our only child, and tends to get lonely. Up until now anyway. Now she has Shai, and they're best buddies. They do EVERYTHING together. And we think Shai is simply adorable and sweet. Now that we have her - we wouldn't do without her. Thanks so much Marcia ! And if anyone wants to email me for a reference, or with any questions - I welcome it.

Ashley holding "Zoey"
Trip home

From : "Joleen Kemp"
       Oh my goodness!!!! Zoey is the cutest puppy that I have ever seen.  
He is even better than what we expected!!!  Thank you, thank you so much!!!! 
Ashley and her boyfriend are treating him like a little baby. He wants to
be held all the time!!!  If they sit on the couch he cries next to their
feet until they pick him up. He lays on their chest and lays his head on
their shoulder just like a baby. He is the cutest puppy!!! She took him
to the vet yesterday and they said that he is a very healthy puppy and
whoever the breeder is, they did an excellent job with him. So pat
yourself on the back with a job well done. I will definitely be putting a
comment on your web page that I recommend anyone purchasing a puppy from
you and that you deserve the Puppy Breeder Award of the Year!!!   :o)

Since Ashley is a very classy young lady her puppy also needs to be preppy. 
Our first stop after the airport was going to Petco.  Zoey now has a
collar that looks like leopard skin and he looks so cute in his new baby
blue suede jacket. He is definitely "Mr Preppy" of the neighborhood.

All is good and I want to thank you for all that you did to make the
purchase so easy and most of all for taking such good care of the Zoey the
first 9 weeks of his life.

God Bless,

Have a great day,
Joleen Kemp

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